4 Plumbing Parts to Protect During the Cold Season – Our Guide

The plumbing system plays a crucial role at home in distributing water for a wide range of applications. You want to make sure that the pipes, valves, fixtures, tanks, and other plumbing components are all in perfect shape and condition. However, there’s a vast difference in protecting your plumbing system between the hot and cold seasons. The chances are that the cold weather can pose the risk of freezing and flooding. That’s why coming in prepared and implementing preventative measures can make all the difference.

That said, below are five plumbing parts and components that ought to get protected during the cold season.

1. Plumbing pipes

During the cold season, your plumbing pipes can get frozen easily. With frozen pipes, some problems will inevitably surface. One, frozen external pipes make the water back up indoor and cause flooding. Two, frozen water expands, which can damage and burst out pipes. That given, what better way to proceed than to lag your outdoor pipes with insulated foam? By doing so, you’ll be able to protect these pipes from the freezing temperature.

2. Outdoor taps

The outdoor taps can get significantly impacted during the cold season. When left turned on, the chances are that the water in the pipe gets freeze and causes problems. The same is true with your garden hose connected to the tap. That said, check to see if your outdoor tap has an isolated shutoff valve. Make sure to turn it off and drain the water from the pipes by opening the tap. Furthermore, drain the water from the garden hose and store the hose in the garage during winter.

3. Condensate pipe

For the uninitiated, the condensate pipe is a pipe where the condensing boiler disposes wastewater into the sewer. During the winter season, the wastewater can get frozen, which can cause damage to the boiler significantly. That’s the worse thing that can happen, just when you need a boiler the most. To avoid this problem, make sure to lag the external part of the condensate pipe. If not, you can simply warm it through the use of warm water during the cold season.

4. Drains

During the winter season, the drains can be affected immensely. They won’t be able to withstand large amounts of water, such as excessive rain or melting snow. That’s why blocked drains can cause flooding.

One, make sure to check your drains and get rid of leaves and other debris to avoid blockage. Two, get any damaged grates repaired or replaced to come in ready for the winter. Three, get the blocked gutters cleared of water build-up or leaks as well. Finally, check your drains frequently and get rid of excess leaves and debris from the surrounding areas.

Final words

When the cold season comes, you don’t want to have any plumbing issues with your pipes, outdoor taps, condensate pipe, and drains. These plumbing problems can lead to costly repairs and even replacements. As the cold weather can create major plumbing issues, the preventive measures discussed above can minimize the risks significantly. Ultimately, prevention is better than cure.

If you need help with preventive measures in protecting your plumbing system and getting it ready for the cold season in San Diego, get in touch with us for our plumbing maintenance service today! We’re happy to help.