▷Top 3 Benefits Of Water Heater Maintenance In San Diego

Top 3 Benefits Of Water Heater Maintenance In San Diego

Top 3 Benefits Of Water Heater Maintenance In San Diego

When most people think of home maintenance, they usually only consider the most expensive items like roofing and siding. However, water heater maintenance is also essential to prevent leaks and costly repairs. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not it’s worth it to maintain your water heater, then this blog post will cover three benefits that come with having a well-maintained water heater!

Water Heater Maintenance Saves You Money On Utility Bills

One of the best benefits associated with having your water heater regularly maintained is that it saves you money on utility bills! Most people don’t realize how much money they could save by simply servicing their water heaters every so often, which in turn helps keep them working efficiently and safely for more extended periods throughout their life span. According to Home Advisor, “A properly serviced unit operates more evenly, uses less fuel than an unserviced one, and has a reduced risk of dangerous gas leaks.” What’s not to love? The average homeowner can expect to save about $100 per year thanks to regular maintenance! These savings alone make the small investment in care well worth it.

The Longevity Of Your Water Heater Is Increased By Up To 25% With Regular Service & Cleaning

One of the best benefits associated with having your water heater regularly maintained is that it increases its lifespan by up to 25% longer than if you don’t have regular service and cleaning done on your unit, according to The Spruce. This means less money out-of-pocket for homeowners when they need a new one installed in their home because their old one wore down from lack of care and attention. Instead, this small investment in maintaining the current tank will not only save you money over time; but also make sure you don’t have any leaky pipes or malfunctions, which will ultimately save you money in the long run.

It Minimizes the Risk Of Leaks And Damage Caused From Malfunctioning Equipment

Another benefit associated with having regular maintenance on your water heater is that it minimizes risks of leaks and damage caused by malfunctioning equipment. According to Energy Star, “From 2004 to 2013, home heating equipment was involved in an annual average of about 20,100 reported gas-leak incidents resulting in 40 fatalities”. Not only are these scary statistics AF, but they also demonstrate how important it is for homeowners to take the necessary precautions to ensure their homes are safe. If you want to avoid potential gas leaks or other malfunctions, then regular service and cleaning are a must!


So what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment with Pic Plumbing by giving us a call at (800)-275-0742 today!

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
185 W F St San Diego
CA 92101
(800) 275-0742

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