▷Why Does My Sewer Line Keep Backing Up In San Diego?

Why Does My Sewer Line Keep Backing Up In San Diego?

Why Does My Sewer Line Keep Backing Up In San Diego?

If you find yourself in this situation, then it may be time to call your plumber in San Diego. Whether you live in a house or an apartment complex, chances are you’re looking at expensive repairs if the problem continues. So what causes sewer lines to back up? There are several reasons why sewers clog—and no two-line backups are exactly alike. But there are certain common factors that contribute to most emergencies:

First, make sure your home is not outfitted with an outdated plumbing system; these older systems can often fail due to tree roots growing into old pipes and cracks caused by corrosion. This is why it’s important for homeowners living within close proximity of trees to have their plumbing inspected regularly.

Inspect Your Pipes

When a plumber in San Diego comes out to inspect your pipes, they use a video camera that allows them to see the inside of the line and determine whether or not it’s deteriorated. If its interior is found to be corroded, roots have managed to penetrate past the surface of the pipe, or there are cracks that can cause wastewater to back up, then it may be time for an upgrade.

Another major reason why sewers backup is due to faulty home appliances. A clogged drain from an overflowing washing machine or a broken dishwasher filter can quickly lead a homeowner down a path toward a messy home renovation project. Many popular brands today offer front-loading machines that claim more efficient water use and reduced risk of clothes tangling together during the spin cycle due to newer engineering. But nothing changes the fact that these machines are still made to hold large amounts of water, which means the wastewater needs somewhere to go once it’s done filling up—and that somewhere in your sewer line.

What About Plumbing Fixtures?

 Many homeowners install new faucets and toilets without thinking about what impact they might have on their sewer lines. If you’re experiencing a sewer backup or think that your current toilet or sink isn’t draining properly, then it may be time for an upgrade. Don’t forget: anything connected to your home’s plumbing system can cause drainage problems if it’s faulty!

Another factor in most sewer line backups is tree roots. As mentioned earlier, trees and other plants are constantly growing, which means they are also constantly seeking water. This quest for moisture leads them to grow their root systems toward underground pipes where they can find the most access to water. Unfortunately, these roots often begin growing inside sewer lines as well.


Get in touch with our experts at Pic plumbing by giving us a call at (800)-275-0742

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
185 W F St San Diego
CA 92101
(800) 275-0742

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