▷Reasons To Invest In An Instant Hot Water System In San Diego

Reasons To Invest In An Instant Hot Water System In San Diego

Reasons To Invest In An Instant Hot Water System In San Diego

Water heaters on rare occasions have been known to explode, flood homes, and more frequently generally self-destruct in dangerous and costly ways. An instant hot water system can be the ideal solution to these potential hazards, and its safety benefits are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to benefits.

Potential Health Hazards

It may seem obvious that scalding yourself is not pleasant, but an ordinary tankless hot water heater has no temperature controls, meaning you must wait for it to reheat entirely before getting your desired temperature if your shower suddenly gets too warm. This wastes both money (by heating the cold water, to begin with) and energy (heating twice as much water). However, over time, this can lead to a number of potential accidents or injuries, especially for children and elderly people.

Energy Efficiency

An instant hot water system only heats the water as you need it, meaning that no energy is wasted heating cold water. As we’ve already mentioned, this also means that energy will be saved, and your wallet will thank you! (and no more scalding yourself!)

Inexpensive Fixes

Tankless hot water heaters don’t use an internal tank, which means there’s nothing to fail or go wrong inside them except their heating mechanism(s). The good news is they’re very reliable (about 99% after ten years). If something ever does go wrong, it will be far less expensive to fix, though they may need repair or replacement in about ten years.

Consistent Temperature

The pressure of the water coming from an instant hot water system is lower than that of a traditional tank, which can result in very high-pressure hot water that could scald you if the temperature wasn’t controlled by a thermostat. Not only do our Ultratherm Instant Hot Water Systems have consistent temperatures at all times for safety, but because there’s no risk of overheating, your shower won’t turn cold halfway through!

Energy Saving Thermostatic Valves

Though tankless water heaters are known for being more energy-efficient, this also comes at a cost to you if your home is colder in the winter. If you want to take full advantage of your tankless water heater’s energy efficiency benefits but keep getting cold showers because it turns off too much, or have inconsistent temperatures due to its thermostat being out-of-whack, our Ultratherm Instant Hot Water Systems will fix these problems by heating your water instantly with modernized thermodynamic valves.


Call Pic Plumbing at (800)-275-0742 to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. We’ll help you find the best instant hot water systems to fit your needs and budget!

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
185 W F St San Diego
CA 92101
(800) 275-0742

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