▷What’s The Lifespan Of My Home’s Plumbing In San Diego?

What’s The Lifespan Of My Home’s Plumbing In San Diego?

What’s The Lifespan Of My Home’s Plumbing In San Diego?

If you want to find out what the lifespan of your home’s plumbing is, there are a few easy ways to do it. One way is to look at fixtures, another is through repairs and replacements over time, and the last is paying attention to problems that can occur with aging appliances.


The average lifespan of most modern water heaters falls around 13-15 years. If yours lasts longer or has lasted longer than this mark, then you’re in good shape. There are many factors that come into play when deciding how long your plumber should last, though, including how well it was installed, upkeep on the plumber itself (which includes replacing hoses), if it has an internal leak detector which helps prolong life, and whether or not it is a high-efficiency model.

If your water heater has been dated longer than this, you might want to schedule a replacement before it declines any further. In addition, if you need to replace faucets, make sure the shutoff valves are replaced as well. It’s better for your plumbing system if they’re already close by when one is being replaced because then there isn’t more stress on that area of the home during construction times. If this is not possible, ensure that the old valves are turned off first! As a point of reference, most ball cocks last about ten years, so those need to be replaced as well.

In terms of toilets, those who have fiberglass tanks typically last 2-3 decades. If your tank is metal instead, you might want to consider replacing it every ten years or so. These dates are ideal for most homes with modern fixtures and appliances because they come with their own warranty. When the warranty expires, it’s smart to pay attention to any new products coming out that might be able to replace the old ones.

Repairs And Replacements Over Time

When toilets begin leaking, or a fixture begins breaking down frequently, this can be a sign of a bigger problem. For instance, if your basement sink starts acting up but only when it rains, there might be a water supply line running through the house which has rusted from the inside out. It’s also possible for this type of problem to cause other pipes throughout the house to corrode as well, so it’s important to act quickly.


Get in touch with Pic Plumbing to find out how long your home’s plumbing should last. We can help you determine what parts need replacement or whether or not you just need a touch-up on the ones that are older than usual. Call us at (800)-275-0742 right away!

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
185 W F St San Diego
CA 92101
(800) 275-0742

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