Key Signs That You Have a Plumbing Leak

Plumbing leaks are one of the most common issues faced by homeowners. While some leaks are visible and easy to detect, some are hidden and can cause severe damage before you notice the presence of such leaks or call on plumbers for a leak inspection.

To help you identify leaks on time, we have created a list of critical signs to look out for.

High Water Bills

To the utility company managing your water bills, leaking water is calculated as used water. So in case you notice a sudden surge in your water bill and your daily water consumption hasn’t increased, then you should check for a leak in your plumbing system.

If left unattended for months, leaks can account for a 14% increase in water bills. To confirm if the figure on your bill is what it should be, you need to locate your water meter and monitor its reading regularly. If your bills are increasing and your water consumption habits aren’t changing, you may need to maintain your water pipes and faucets.

Damaged Walls or Ceilings

If a leak is not discovered on time, it could cause a destructive compound effect. For instance, if the pipes in your walls start to leak, the water will go right to the foundation and weaken it. After a while, they will start to sink, leading to eventual collapse.

Suppose you notice any crack in your wall, particularly diagonal or vertical ones, leaking water might already be eroding your foundation. You should consult a plumber for an emergency inspection of your plumbing system once you suspect any leaks.

Foul Odors

Another essential sign your plumbing system might be leaking is a foul smell. If you continuously perceive a weird smell in your home and you can’t locate where the smell comes from, you need to check for leaks. The smell might even be funky, which is often due to stagnant water caused by leaks that are obscure to you. Suppose you experience something of such in your home, you should contact a plumbing professional to help locate the leaks as soon as possible.

Reduced Water Pressure

If you notice your taps or bathroom shower isn’t delivering water with the usual pressure or your toilet is taking longer than expected to refill, then you might need to check for leaks. Usually, water escaping from a crack or leak doesn’t flow to its outlet at the normal pressure, and this might be the cause of water coming out with a lesser force from your faucets and shower.

You must also note that reduced water pressure can denote various problems, including but not limited to closed water valves, clogged pipes, and corroded drains. So always ensure to check it out immediately.

Mold or Mildew

Molds and mildew are also vital signs that you might have a plumbing leak. When pipes located beneath walls and floors leak, the resulting outcome might be mold or mildew growth. Visible signs you will notice in your home include stains on surfaces in your home’s unpleasant and musty smells.

Due to the high humidity of water pipes, they are convenient places for mold and mildew growth. The absence of light and no regular cleaning also support mold growth. Mold spores, if not controlled, can spread across the home via vents of the heating and air conditioning system, leading to the destruction of properties in your home and exposure to health hazards.

As a homeowner, you should always be alert to detect the presence of molds. Their appearances in your home may indicate a leak in your plumbing system.

Sagging Ceilings

There are two leading causes of sagging ceilings; leaky roof or a pipe. Usually, you’ll notice discoloration around the sagging area of the ceiling.

Sagging ceilings are dangerous, so you should repair them once you see them to prevent future collapse and expensive future cost of repair.

Greener or Overgrown Spots in Lawns

Areas that appear to be greener than other parts of the lawn may denote the presence of excess water beneath the lawn, and this may be due to underground leaks on your plumbing system.

Homeowners that regularly take care of their lawns may not experience this. However, they should be on the lookout for sections of the lawn growing more vigorously than others due to water leaks under the patches. Spots like this can aid bacterial growth, which may end up destroying the rest of your lawn,

Strange Sounds

Aside from the noticeable and visible signs denoting leaks, it would help if you also took note of those you can hear. The presence of a hissing or whooshing sound or whistles like rattling pipes may denote a crack or loosely fixed pipes.

Although it is customary to hear water running through your pipes, if the sound of running water persists while your faucets are off, then there might be a water leak in your home. It would help if you earmarked the spot of the sound before calling a plumber. This action will help the plumber locate the area of concern quickly and get to work as fast as possible.

Rusty Pipes

If you live in a home with galvanized steel pipes or drains, you may likely experience leaks. Older homes with galvanized steel pipes may develop rust and corrosion, causing leaks.

If you see any signs of discoloration and rust on visible pipes, this is a clear sign of corrosion. By replacing corroded pipes before the total breakdown, you will save yourself from avoidable expenses at the end.

Finally, a small leak in your plumbing system can lead to big problems if not appropriately managed. Thus, you must take note of signs denoting leaks and call a plumber as soon as you see any.

If you are in San Diego or any of its surrounding environment, you can contact us here; to help you inspect your plumbing system for any sign of leaks.

PIC Plumbing Services,

185 WF St #100c San Diego CA 92101,
