▷4 DIY Plumbing Mistakes – How Not To Plumb In San Diego

4 DIY Plumbing Mistakes – How Not To Plumb In San Diego

7 DIY Plumbing Mistakes – How Not To Plumb In San Diego

There are a number of common mistakes that DIY enthusiasts make. Here are the top plumbing mistakes that you should avoid.

1 – Not Having The Appropriate Tools

So, you have finally decided to tackle that plumbing job in your home, surely it can’t be that hard, can it? You’ve dug out the trusty toolbox. Inside are a set of mole grips, a bent screwdriver that doubles as a chisel, a rusty tape measure with half the numbers missing and a blunt hacksaw. On top of this pile is an extremely heavy duty pair of pliers/wire cutters (that look like they could pull apart an aircraft carrier) which is guaranteed to have been eaten by rust at some point during its previous life.

You’re just about ready to begin, but hold on a minute – how are you going to measure those pesky copper pipes? That trusty tape measure is as much use as a chocolate teapot and as for using your gas meter as a guide – well, I think we all know what the result of that would be! So, before you start – buy yourself a decent set of tools including spirit level, tape measure, screwdrivers & socket sets.

Planning – remember why you want to do it in the first place! Remember that old saying ‘measure twice cut once’? Well this certainly applies when it comes to plumbing. Do not make any assumptions about how long the pipes are – use a tape measure and measure the width, height and length of your room.

2 – Not Researching Beforehand

Have you correctly estimated how much pipe is needed? Have you been able to purchase those items already? Most DIY stores now have their shelves stacked with plumbing supplies to cater for the do-it-yourself enthusiast so there should be no need for trips to wherever it is that people who know about these things go. The internet has a wealth of information as well as being an excellent source of reference to any plumber’s bible. If all else fails just ask a professional plumber!

3 – Rely On Trial And Error

There may be certain occasions when this method works but in general it is not the best way to go about your plumbing. ‘I wonder how much that hole in my wall will cost me before I start?’

Caution should be exercised when using trial and error, especially if it involves large amounts of money.

4 – Rushing The Job

Please don’t make us laugh! When was the last time you undertook a DIY task without rushing or trying to cut corners? Plumbing is no exception; it may sound like an easy enough job but there are many things that can go wrong, so everything should be planned carefully and executed with patience. If you rush your plumbering jobs then bad things happen, possibly very expensive bad things. Make sure that you read the instructions.


Call PIC Plumbing at (800)-275-0742 for all your plumbing needs.

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
185 W F St San Diego
CA 92101
(800) 275-0742

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