▷3 Times To Contact A Plumbing Emergency Service In San Diego

3 Times To Contact A Plumbing Emergency Service In San Diego

3 Times To Contact A Plumbing Emergency Service In San Diego

A clogged toilet can be a frustrating and unpleasant problem to deal with, but fortunately, there are steps you can take to unclog it yourself with the help of a professional plumber. Here are some tips on how to unclog a toilet safely and effectively.

Turn Off The Water Supply

The first thing you should do when you notice a clogged toilet is to turn off the water supply. This will prevent the toilet from overflowing and causing further damage to your bathroom floor or other parts of your home. The water supply valve is usually located behind the toilet or under the sink, and you can turn it off by turning the valve clockwise.

Use A Plunger

Using a plunger is often the most effective way to unclog a toilet. Make sure that there is enough water in the bowl to cover the head of the plunger, and then place the plunger over the drain hole. Push down gently at first, and then apply more force as you work the plunger up and down. This should create a vacuum that will help to dislodge the clog.

Use A Plumbing Snake

If the plunger doesn’t work, you can try using a plumbing snake to dislodge the clog. A plumbing snake is a long, flexible wire that you can insert into the toilet drain and maneuver around until you find the blockage. Once you locate the clog, you can use the snake to break it up or pull it out.

Call A Professional Plumber

If you’ve tried using a plunger and a plumbing snake, and the toilet is still clogged, it’s time to call in a professional plumber. A plumber will have specialized tools and equipment that can help to unclog even the most stubborn clogs, such as a hydro jetter that uses high-pressure water to clear the blockage.

When you hire a plumber to unclog your toilet, they will first assess the situation and determine the best course of action. They may use a video camera to inspect the pipes and identify the location and severity of the clog. They may also use specialized tools and equipment, such as an auger or a hydro jetter, to remove the blockage.


How Do I Know When It’s Time To Call A Plumber For A Clogged Toilet?

If you’ve tried using a plunger and a plumbing snake to unclog your toilet and it still won’t drain, it’s time to call a plumber. Other signs that you may need a plumber include water backing up into your sink or bathtub, foul odors coming from your toilet, or gurgling sounds when you flush.

What Can I Expect When I Hire A Plumber To Unclog My Toilet?

When you hire a plumber to unclog your toilet, they will first assess the situation and determine the best course of action. They may use specialized tools and equipment, such as an auger or a hydro jetter, to remove the blockage. They will also clean up any mess that is left behind and may offer advice on how to prevent future clogs.

How Much Should I Expect To Pay For A Plumber To Unclog My Toilet?

The cost of hiring a plumber to unclog your toilet can vary depending on the severity of the clog and the location of the blockage. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $300 for a plumber to unclog your toilet. 


Unclogging a toilet can be a messy and unpleasant task, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s a job that can be done safely and effectively with the help of a professional plumber. Give Pic Plumbing a call at (800)-275-0742.

Give us a call at (619) 332-0275 if you’d like a free estimate on cleaning or replacing your carport floor drain.

Visit our website through this link for more information about plumbing repairs and get to know how we can help. https://picplumbing.com/.

PIC Plumbing Services
5482 Complex St suite 108, San Diego
CA 92123
(619) 332-0275

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